TIMPLUS focuses on the needs of small to medium enterprises. It provides a single, unified management and reporting interface for up to 400 users on up to five PBXs.
Using a simple, intuitive, cross-browser-compatible web interface, TIM Plus shields the user from the underlying complexity of its powerful call processing engine and a multitude of modern features.
Everything's included
All features come as standard. TIMPLUS don't restrict access or features, so as standard you get:
- Access to all reports,
- Unlimited web users,
- No restriction of the number of concurrent users,
- Unlimited display boards,
- Generic tariff for any country.
Easy access
Reports, graphs, and admin services are all accessible using just a standard web browser. No external client software is required.
TIMPLUS combined the magic of modern web techniques with a clean, crisp look and feel, to make every single aspect of administering your call logger a breeze.
And it's easy to delegate, too, By simply adding a new web user to the system, the administrator gives individuals the secure access they need.
Users can be restricted to specific parts of the business, with all access controlled by their standard web login.
Delegated web users can run ad-hoc and scheduled reports, their scope is limited to their group membership.
Intuitive reports
The advanced reports on TIMPLUS allow you to drill through complex data in seconds, translating it into invaluable business information. Reports contain clear intuitive graphs that quickly summarize call patterns. All graphs and reports are interactive, allowing users to quickly source more detail on any particular area of concern by using the drillable hyperlinks or clickable headers.